Sun Ten receives the International Albert Schweitzer Foundation's "2022 Epidemic Prevention Award" | 國際史懷哲基金會授予順天堂2022年度「COVID19防疫最佳貢獻獎」
It is a wonderful honor for us to receive the International Albert Schweitzer Foundation's "2022 Epidemic Prevention Award" today. According to Albert Schweitzer, the aim of human life is to serve and demonstrate compassion and a desire to help others. Welcome to Sun Ten, Professor Wang, Chairman Chou, President Lai, and Secretary-General Huang. It may be destiny that we meet at this time since we all follow in the footsteps of our forefathers, committing ourselves to help those in need.At the start of the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020, our President, Doctor Wu Chang Chuang, initiated and led the Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control (CMC) design for the launch of RespireAid, and led Sun Ten to join the National Traditional Medicine Team to serve the needs of people with Covid-19 symptoms from all over the world. We sincerely hope that we have done our best to assist those in need around the world.We have reached the post-epidemic era, and we must continue to cope with the epidemic. Sun Ten has committed itself to the creation and marketing of products for use after an epidemic outbreak. We are honored to have made our contribution to the epidemic and, in moving forward, it is our goal to aid people in their daily life and let them enjoy and discover mother nature.Just as Albert Schweitzer said, “I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” Truly, we are delighted and willing to help others. Albert Schweitzer's altruistic passion for rescuing the world and helping people will live on in our hearts forever with reverence for life.
衷心感謝國際史懷哲基金會 授予順天堂2022年度「COVID19防疫最佳貢獻獎」,聖人史懷哲守護生命價值,終其一生,積極實踐無私無我的救世濟人精神,非常值得我們緬懷。感謝王教授杉財先生、周董事長神安先生、賴總會長正國先生、黃秘書長淑貞女士蒞臨順天堂。緣分是一件很奇妙的事情,原來,大家各自承襲著各祖輩淵遠流長的傳統,在世界不同的角落默默奉獻,服務大眾,今日在順天堂齊聚一堂,史懷哲精神胸懷表露無遺,大家交流甚歡,期許未來一同繼續努力。自疫情爆發起,順天堂總經理莊武璋博士主導RespireAid(臺灣清冠一號)的生產製造及上市,更毅然決然帶領順天堂參與中藥國家隊服務海內外民眾需求。除了供應海內外確診民眾需求外,在2021年台灣因確診飆升造成醫療量能失衡之時,順天堂優先捐贈RespireAid(臺灣清冠一號)至臺灣各大醫療院所來協助紓解醫院確診治療困境。此外,為了讓臺灣政府駐外及外派人員無後顧之憂,亦捐贈RespireAid(臺灣清冠一號)至有需求的國家,以減緩當地醫療量能失衡之救助。常常想起董事長交代的那句話 : 「吃得下、睡得著,就好。」目前已進入後疫情時代,我們也要學著與疫情共存,順天堂也致力於發展相關後疫情時代產品,希望我們提供的服務不是只有治未病及疫病,更能成為每位民眾居家養生的好幫手,如同史懷哲說的 : 只有我們擁有對於生命的敬畏之心時,世界才會在我們面前呈現出它的無限生機。敬生命,敬自然。