Manufacture Credibility
Manufacturing certifications reveal the quality of a manufacturers operation. This includes the quality of the facility, the organization of its operation, its adherence to important procedural steps, the control of quality and safety and how it is implemented and recorded. Each country may have its own standard of excellence and certification. A mark of a globalized facility is often distinguished in the various certifications we acquire from those regions that strictly enforce high standards of quality and safety.
Unites States
Since 2010, Sun Ten Laboratories has recived certification through the National Products Association (NPA) as a GMP compliant Dietary Supplement manufacturing facility, awaraded National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) in 2015
In 1992, Sun Ten became the first Chinese herbal extract manufacturer in Taiwan to obtain GMP certification from Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Sun Ten is the only Chinese herbal extract manufacturer in Taiwan to receive PIC/s GMP certification from Australia TGA as from 2004 without discontinuity up to now, and Sun Ten was awarded as A1 Class certificate in 2013.
In 1975, Sun Ten began export to Japan. Sun Ten is the first TCM manufacturer in Taiwan to qualify for the reimbursable prescription by Japanese Health Insurance Plan, and was the first Chinese herbal extract manufacturer in Taiwan to receive Japan's new GMPaccreditation of foreign manufacture site since 2007.
In 1996, Sun Ten products were approved with import drug license by the Drug Control Administration (DCA) in Malaysia. To satisfy local requirement Sun Ten awarded HALAL certificates in 2009 and received renewal from time to time.
Sun Ten is among the first group of Chinese herbal extract manufacturer in Taiwan to receive Taiwan GMP certification in 1988.
United Kingdom
Sun Ten received ISO 9001 certification from UK British Standard Institution in 1992.
Sun Ten product has been successfully registered with Swiss mark THR registration.