The Taiwanese Ministry of Economic Affairs Awarded Sun Ten with A Historic Award for Its "Over-50-Years-Corporation" Status | 順天堂藥廠卓越永續經營- 榮獲經濟部頒發「創業50年以上歷史悠久廠商」殊榮
When COVID struck the world, Sun Ten dedicated itself to the development and manufacture of RespireAid™, a TCM herbal remedy that has assisted many in their recovery and helped Taiwan's TCM industry gain recognition in the global market. "It was a remarkable achievement for Taiwanese industry to provide consistent reliable international support during the pandemic," said Ms. Wang, Minister of Economic Affairs of Taiwan, at the 76th national industry celebration ceremony. In order to give everyone a smarter and healthier life, Sun Ten will continue to pursue global trends and carry out the industry's obligation to ESG with innovation.
順天堂藥廠榮獲經濟部頒發「創業50年以上歷史悠久廠商」殊榮。經濟部11/11日在第七十六屆工業節慶祝大會上頒獎感謝這些長年默默耕耘,不斷追求卓越的企業,讓台灣的產業在全世界佔有一席之地。 經濟部部長王美花致詞時表示,台灣在疫情期間持續提供國際有效及穩定的生產及服務,是十分難能可貴的,也讓世界各國對台灣產業更有信心。