Sun Ten, the trustable health specialist of people and the Earth!-Understand FSC label 守護您與地球的健康,就從選擇順天堂開始!-FSC標章介紹
Understand the FSC on-product label on RespireAid
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an organization that claims to promote responsible management of the world's forests. FSC on-product labels are commonly seen on packaging with a standard or minimum size format. And when the later generated from the FSC official website, it contains the following elements:
1. FSC logo – with ™ or ® Trademark
2. Label type – indicates the materials used (MIX/ 100%/ Recycled)
3. Product type – like packaging, paper, or others
4. FSC license code – to trace back the chain of custody
(1,2,3,4 are compulsory for on-product labeling; 1 and 4 are compulsory for promotional use)
FSC的全名是森林管理委員會(Forest Stewardship Council)。該機構認證木材製品的來源森林或製造過程符合林業永續經營。而商品包裝上的FSC標章有分完整版和簡易版(RespireAid採用迷你版),官方產出簡易版標章時會具備以下元素:
1. FSC 商標,右上角必需有™或®
2. 紙漿等原料成分,常見的標示有MIX/ 100%/ Recycled
3. 品項用途,例如Packaging(包裝), Paper(紙)
4. FSC認證碼,就像身分證,用來追溯製造這個品項的生產鏈廠商、有無符合FSC官方要求製程等
RespireAid(NRICM101) is only for export. Export Permit No.060063. Not for sale in Taiwan and outlying islands.
注意 : RespireAid(臺灣清冠一號)僅供外銷。外銷專用許可證號 : 衛部藥製字第060063號。臺灣境內及離島地區無販售。