Sun Ten Museum is donating 600 pieces of art work, the largest art donation in Taiwanese history, to the Taiwan Ministry of Culture. 史上最大規模 美國爾灣順天美術館600件作品捐文化部

In the presence of witnesses by Fei-Long Chen, director of the Chairman of Sun Ten Museum, the Minister of Culture, Li-Jun, Zheng sign a letter of intent to collect donations with Chau-Shin, Hsu, Chairman of Sun Ten Museum.


Sun Ten Museum located in Irvine, CA is donating 600 pieces of art work, the largest art donation in Taiwanese history, to the Taiwan Ministry of Culture. Sun Ten Museum was founded in 1993, collecting important Taiwanese art work ranging from the Japanese colonial period up to our present era, including 陳澄波、廖繼春、李梅樹、郭雪湖、李石樵、顏水龍’s precious art work. These are all great properties in Taiwan's art history.

After discussing and planning for more than one year, Sun Ten Museum in Irvine, CA decided to donate approximately 600 pieces of 20th-century Taiwanese art works to the Taiwan Ministry of Culture. Not only is this the largest art donation that an official has ever received, it is a donation that will perfectly complete the establishment of Taiwan's art history.

Taiwan’s Minister of Culture, Li-Jun Zheng, visited the Sun Ten Museum in US to express her gratitude to the chairman and the director of the Sun Ten Art Museum, signing a letter of intent to collect donations on behalf of the Ministry of Culture.

The Ministry of Culture released the good news today. Minister Zheng said, " I have been promoting the reconstruction of Taiwanese art history since the first day I was Minister, and how lucky am I to learn that the "Father of Scientific Chinese Herbal Medicine" Dr. Hsu’s family has, in addition to establishing Sun Ten Pharmaceutical Company, which is a famous worldwide Chinese herbal extract manufacturer, been collecting Taiwanese art work for over the past half century over at least two generations. The Hsu family is willing to donate the entire batch of paintings to the country and let all of the collection return home. This has greatly motivated the Ministry of Culture to promote the reconstruction of Taiwan’s art history. It’s really touching." 


歷經一年多的討論與籌畫,坐落美國洛杉磯爾灣市的順天美術館(Sun Ten Museum, Inc.),確定將館藏約600件20世紀台灣美術作品,全數捐贈文化部,成為國內有史以來規模最龐大的一次官方藝術受贈,台灣美術發展史的建置也因此有了更完整的輪廓與內涵。




From the right side, Charles Hsu ( Chairman of Sun Ten Museum );  Li-Jun, Zheng( Minister of Culture ) ; Melissa See ( younger sister of the Chairman of Sun Ten Museum) ; Fei-Long, Chen (Director of the Chairman of Sun Ten Museum)

Father of Scientific Chinese Herbal Medicine, Dr. Hong-Yen Hsu with his wife, by artist 李梅樹


The park公園一隅, by 廖繼春


Lan yu boat 蘭嶼舟, by 顏水龍


Cows going back to pasture 歸牧, by 顏水龍


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