SUN TEN Quarterly Newsletter Fall 2012: Case Study of Acid Regurgitation
Case Study of Acid Regurgitation
by Dr. Li-Chuan Hsu & Dr. Zi-Huei Lin
Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine,
Case Report
[Patient Information]
[Chief Complaint]
Acid regurgitation with a burning sensation for one month. She vomited on
[History of Present Illness]
The patient is a 70-year old female. She had been having a poor appetite for one month and an urgency to vomit when she smelled food. She suffered immediate vomiting of ingested foods along with the symptoms of acid reflux. She vomited again on
[Past History]
Hypertension (under good control with medication), diabetes (under control with medication), cardiac disease (She had cardiac catheterization and stent implantation surgery at
[Personal History]
[Examinations (Four Diagnostic Methods of Chinese Medicine)]
Inspection Examination
Build: Slightly thin
Complexion: Dark black
Nails: Slightly red
Skin: Lots of stasis spots underneath the skin
Hair: Thin
Eyes: Blood vessels can be seen in the white of the eyes; slightly turbid
Mouth and Lips: Pale lips with stasis color
Tongue: More pale with a white coating
Listening and Smelling Examination
Smell: No special smell when breathing or on the body
Voice: She panted when talking; her voice was hoarse, low and weak
Inquiry Examination
Cold and Hot: Cold extremities
Sweat: Frequent spontaneous sweating
Head and Face: Frequent headache
Urination and BM: She had hard stools usually and had no strength to expel them. She needed to take stool softener to help BM. She had one BM/day when taking stool softener. 2~3 times nighttime urination, yellow color.
Digestion: Immediate vomiting of ingested foods, poor appetite
Drinking: She favored hot drinks
Throat: No discomfort
Ear: No abnormal hearing
Mouth and Teeth: No discomfort
Chest: Occasional chest dull pain when her cardiac disease attacked
Abdomen: No discomfort
Trunk: Easy to have sore achy low back
Limbs: Had surgical removal of bumps at left wrist so she’s having unsmooth grabbing. Both knees had replacement surgeries at
Emotions: Easy to feel nervous
Sleep: Hard to fall asleep but slept fine after falling asleep
Energy: Acceptable
Palpation Examination
Pulse: (Left) Cun: faint; Guan: faint, choppy when pressed deep; Chi: faint
(Right) Cun: faint; Guan: Slightly tight with Qi counterflow feeling; Chi: faint
Palpation: Cold extremities
General: Height:
Vital Signs:
Temperature: 36.3°C
Heart Rate: 98/min (
Blood Pressure: 131/68 mmHg (
Breath Rate: 21~24/min
Eyes: Blood vessels seen in sclera; slightly turbid
Conjunctiva: Slightly turbid exterior
Ears: Normal exterior, no abnormal secretions
Nose: Normal exterior, no abnormal secretions
Neck and Shoulder: Hard to lift right arm
Lower Back: She mentioned she had bone spurs so her back is frequently sore and achy. She did not suffer scoliosis.
Limbs: Both knees have had replacement surgeries. She had surgery on her left wrist. It was hard for her to lift her right arm.
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