SUN TEN Quarterly Newsletter Summer 2012: The Correct and Most Suitable Medicinal Herbs - Cooked Rehmannia
The Correct and Most Suitable Medicinal Herbs: Cooked Rehmannia
by Brion Research Institute of
1. Botanical Name: Rehmannia glutinosa Liboschitz
2. Chinese Name: 熟地黃 (Shu Di Huang)
3. English Name: Processed Rehmannia Root
4. Source: Dried root of Rehmannia glutinosa Liboschitz of the Scrophulariaceae family.
Raw Herb Materials Description
Irregular chucks. It has a dark black color both inside and outside. Its surface is shiny, wrinkled, and unsmooth. The cross section is moist, shiny greasy lumps can be seen in the center, highly viscous, and has a soft texture. It has a fragrant smell and sweet taste.
Histological Identification
Transection of the Root: The phellem has several rows of cork cells. The parenchyma cells in the cortex are loosely lined up; many secretory cells are scattered throughout, which has orange yellow color oil droplets; sclereids are seen occasionally. There are fewer secretory cells in the phloem. The phellogen is circular. The xylem rays are wide and have scattered vessels in radial array.
Sun Ten Top 10 Cooked Rehmannia (Shu Di Huang) Products
Code |
Chinese Name |
Pin-Yin Name |
English Name |
0408 |
六味地黃丸 |
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan |
0409 |
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan |
0210 |
八味地黃丸 |
Ba Wei Di Huang Wan |
0512 |
甘露飲 |
Gan Lu Yin |
0805 |
知柏地黃丸 |
Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan |
1025 |
桃紅四物湯 |
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang |
0712 |
杞菊地黃丸 |
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan |
0205 |
人參養榮湯 |
Ren Shen Yang Rong Tang |
0209 |
八珍湯 |
Ba Zhen Tang |
0215 |
十全大補湯 |
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang |
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