Commonly Used Chinese Herb Formulas with Illustrations - Eucommia & Rehmannia Formula (You Gui Wan)
0523 右歸丸 (You Gui Wan)
Restore the Right (Kidney) Pill
Chinese Name Pharmaceutical Name Pin Yin Name English Name 熟地黃 Radix Rehmanniae praeparata Shu Di Huang 山萸肉 Fructus Corni Shan Yu Rou 山藥 Rhizoma Dioscoreae Shan 杜仲 Cortex Eucommiae Du Zhong 枸杞子 Fructus Lyci Gou Qi Zi 菟絲子 Semen Cuscutae Tu Si Zi 肉桂 Cortex Cinnamomi Rou Gui 炮附子 Radix Aconiti Lateralis praeparata Pao Fu Zi 鹿角膠 Colla Cornus Cervi Lu Jiao Jiao Deer Antler Gelatin 當歸 Radix Angelicae sinensis Dang Gui
【Classic Literature Reference】
Jing Yue Quan Shu (Complete Works of Jing Yue, 1624).
Compiler: Zhang, Jing-yue.
Traditional: Kidney yang deficiency or decline of the fire from the gate of life marked by lack of vitality, lassitude, intolerance of cold, cold extremities, impotence, spermatorrhea, infertility, loose stools or diarrhea with indigested food, incontinence, soreness and weakness in the knees and lower back, and edema in the lower body.
Modern: Nephrotic syndrome, bronchial asthma, sciatica, osteoporosis, degenerative joint disease, low sexual drive, or general weakness.
Pattern of Kidney Yang Deficiency
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