Commonly Used Chinese Herb Formulas with Illustrations - Siler and Platycodon Formula (Fang Feng Tong Sheng San)
0710 防風通聖散 (Fang Feng Tong Sheng San)
Ledebouriella Powder that Sagely Unblocks
Chinese Name Pharmaceutical name Pin Yin Name English Name 大黃 Rhizoma Rhei Da Huang 芒硝 Natrii Sulfas Mang Xiao 甘草 Radix Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao 防風 Radix Saposhnikoviae Fang Feng 麻黃 Herba Ephedrae Ma Huang 生薑 Rhizoma Zingiberis recens Sheng Jiang 桔梗 Radix Platycodonis Jie Geng 山梔子 Fructus Gardenia Shan Zhi Zi 連翹 Fructus Forsythiae Lian Qiao 荊芥 Herba Schizonepetae Jing Jie 薄荷 Herba Menthae Bo He 白朮 RhizomaAtractylodis macrocephalae Bai Zhu 滑石 Talcum Hua Shi 黃芩 Radix Scutellariae Huang Qin 石膏 Gypsum Fibrosum Shi Gao 當歸 Radix Angelicae sinensis Dang Gui 白芍 Radix Paeoniae alba Bai Shao 蔥白 Bulbus Allii fistulosi Cong Bai 川芎 Rhizoma Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong
【Classic Literature Reference】
Yi Fang Ji Jie (Analytic Collection of Medicine Formulas, 1682AD)
Compiler: Dr. Wang Ang-in.
Traditional: Affliction of exterior wind with interior excessive heat marked by high fever; chills; red and painful eyes; headache; dizziness; irritability; bitter taste in the mouth; thirst; sore throat; fullness and discomfort in the chest and hypochondrium; distended pain in the abdomen; vomiting; cough; wheezing; thick and sticky nasal discharge and saliva; constipation; dark urine; a yellow and greasy tongue coating; and a surging, rapid or wiry, slippery pulse.
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