Research: Analysis of Coronary Heart Disease Symptoms and Syndromes Using RAD Method


Inquiry Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease in Chinese Medicine Base on Symptom-Syndrome Interactions


Guo-Zheng Li, Sheng Sun, Mingyu You, Ya-Lei Wang, and Guo-Ping Liu



Background: There is a long history of coronary heart disease (CHD) diagnosis and treatment in Chinese medicine (CM), but a formalized description of CM knowledge is still unavailable. This study aims to analyze a set of CM clinical data, which is important and urgent.


Methods: Relative associated density (RAD) was used to analyze the one-way links between the symptoms or syndromes or both. RAD results were further used in symptom selection.


Results: Analysis of a dataset of clinical CHD diagnosis revealed some significant relationships, not only between syndromes but also between symptoms and syndromes. Using RAD to select symptoms based on different classifiers improved the accuracy of syndrome prediction. Compared with other traditional symptom selection methods, RAD provided a higher interpretability of the CM data.


Conclusion: The RAD method is effective for CM clinical data analysis, particular for analysis of relationships between symptoms in diagnosis and generation of compact and comprehensible symptom feature subsets.


Copyright © 2012 Li et al. This is an open access article distributed under the

Creative Commons Attribution License

1.              Background

2.              Methods

1.           Data set of CHD in CM

2.           The RAD method

3.           Relative associated density

3.              Results and Discussion

1.           Common and rare symptoms

2.           Analysis using the RAD method

3.           Relationships among the syndromes

4.           High correlation of the syndromes

5.           Relationships between symptoms and syndromes

6.           Symptom selection with RAD

4.              Conclusions

5.              References


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