Review: Traditional Used Plants for Alzheimer’s Disease
Traditional Used Plants Against Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer Disease
Gunter Peter Eckert
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized clinically by progressive memory deficits, impaired cognitive function, and altered and inappropriate behavior. Aging represents the most important risk factor for AD and the global trend in the phenomenon of population aging has dramatic consequences for public health, healthcare financing, and delivery systems in the word and, especially in developing countries. Mounting evidence obtained in in vitro and in vivo studies, suggests that various traditionally used plants in Asia,
Copyright © 2010 Published by Frontiers in Pharmacology. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
2. Alzheimer – a worldwide problem with special impact for developing countries
3. Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease – from medical chemistry to plants
4. Ginkgo biloba – from traditional Chinese medicine to a standardized drug
5. Galantamine – from folk to modern medicine
6. Plants from traditional Asian medicine
7. Plants from traditional oriental medicine
8. Plants with traditional European use
9. Conclusion
10. References
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