厚朴安全性文獻回顧 Magnoliae Cortex (Hou Po) Safety Literature Review

厚朴(MAGNOLIAE CORTEX) 常見於治療腸胃道相關疾病,自東漢《傷寒論》以來,廣泛用於中藥單方及複方,並無記載相關副作用及毒性資料,綜整WHO世界衛生組織收錄有關厚朴安全性資料及American Herbal Products Association’s Botanical Safety Handbook記載,除了懷孕及哺乳婦女,與12歲以下孩童不建議使用厚朴外,於醫師處方下,厚朴可廣泛用於治療腹痛脹滿、反胃嘔逆、宿食不消、痰壅喘嗽及濕滿瀉痢等疾病。
Magnoliae Cortex (Hou Po) is an essential traditional Chinese medicine with pharmacological activities that mainly affect the digestive system. The famous TCM book “Treatise on febrile diseases” from the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 25-220) describes that Hou Po has been widely used in the single herbs or formulas with no side effect or toxic been recorded yet. According to WHO and American Herbal Products Association’s Botanical Safety Handbook, Hou Po is been widely used to treat conditions such as abdominal distention, vomiting, diarrhea, food accumulation, Qi stagnation, constipation, phlegm and fluid retention and cough resulting from asthma under prescription, but pregnancy, breast breeding women and children under the age of 12 years are subject to be taken under medical advice.

關於厚朴安全性文獻回顧請參考 For Magnoliae Cortex literature review, please reference : https://www.brion.org.tw/

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